Are you ready for Google Analytics 4?

As data and privacy concerns mount, internet users are more frequently blocking their data from being shared with public software servers like Google Analytics, in turn hurting reporting capabilities. With each passing month over the last year, it seems more and more likely that cookies, despite how delicious the term is, may be on the way out. With that, Google is left with a need to redesign their software for a new future.

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The Listening Lounge: Where Information Goes In One Ear And Stays

At Vimarc, every day is World Listening Day. No, really. As a full-service marketing and advertising agency, we’re constantly keeping our ears to the ground in a myriad of ways. We pay attention to what the market is saying. We stay on top of campaign performance. We hone in on our colleagues’ thoughts, ideas, and concerns. And mostly importantly, we give our undivided attention to our clients. It’s this passion for listening that led us to create the Listening Lounge.

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