Graduating with Vimarc: One student’s unique journey


Have you ever thought about the limitations you put upon yourself? Coming out of college and looking for a job can be tough, but opportunities exist. You just can’t stop looking for them.

Our summer intern Harry Quinn, an international student from Panama, came to the University of Louisville for a communications career. He traveled to a new country by himself in order to find a quality education and is finishing his journey with an internship at our agency before he heads home.

Check out the following Q&A with Harry. You might learn something new that puts things into perspective, especially if you’re an aspiring young professional as well.

What made you decide on getting an education away from home?

Besides the fact that an education outside of home would be superior in quality, it was more of a “I-want-the-experience” type of decision. I believe that education goes hand in hand with experiences. That being said, I felt that my experiences out of my country will make me a better professional and a more well-rounded person.

Why UofL out of thousands of colleges and universities in the U.S.?

Well, this wasn’t an easy choice, of course. When looking for a university, you are flooded with options. In my case, I was looking for somewhere kind of warm, but where I could experience the four seasons of the year. It was kind of destiny that I stumble upon UofL’s Panama transfer program. This meant that there was going to be a big group of Panamanians here in Louisville. Having compatriots really helped me and made it easier to make friends because they introduce you to their friends.

You can do a lot with a communication degree, so why are you pursuing an advertising career?

Let’s see how many clichés I can say… As many other students, I found my passion or my “path” in college. I completed so many classes, from STEM to business. I was all over the place. The moment I started to lean into advertising was when I started to learn more about strategic communication and social media. I guess it’s all thanks to a certain professor.

How did COVID-19 affect your summer plans?

I believe COVID-19 is the main reason I ended up at Vimarc. This past spring semester was my last semester in college. I was in the process of applying for internships, and as time went on, the virus got worse and worse. Doors would start to close, and anxiety would start to rise. As a soon-to-be professional, I gathered my resources and took advantage of all my networking. Long story short, I contacted my social media professor, showed her my resume and portfolio, and she connected me with someone at Vimarc. So, I guess, thank you coronavirus…?

What have you learned at your internship that will be helpful as you begin your career?

The first thing that pops to mind is that working from home is doable. As an intern, I may not have known everyone right from the start, but I was still able to complete my tasks. I also learned about social media advertising, especially has it pertained to different industries. Vimarc has several clients and that helped me learn how to properly advertise.

Any words of wisdom for students who may be in a similar situation?

Be kind and become a master of your craft. I feel that kindness has the power to put you over the competition really fast. I have seen business transactions happen because of well-built partnerships. I believe everyone should have something they are passionate about. Come up with ideas for how you can add that to your portfolio or resume. It can make a huge difference. I’m passionate about anything photography related, and although I am not looking for a career solely on it, I have become more well-rounded because of the risks I have taken.

Looking for an internship? Don’t be afraid to fill out the form below. We’re always looking for interns, and you can be the next one.